Trudeau’s Carbon Tax Costs Farmers And Consumers One Billion Dollars

Ottawa, ON- Conservative Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Agri-Food and Food Security, John Barlow, and Conservative Associate Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Agri-Food and Food Security, Richard Lehoux, released the following statement in response to the most recent PBO report confirming that the Liberal carbon tax on natural gas and propane will cost farmers $978 million by 2030:

“Once again, the government’s own budget watchdog has confirmed what Canadians already know and experience daily – that Trudeau’s expensive carbon tax is driving up the cost of food and hurting Canadian farmers and families.

“The PBO analyzed common sense Conservative Bill C-234, which would remove the federal carbon tax from on-farm uses of natural gas and propane, such as grain drying and barn heating. What they found is that by removing the tax, farmers would save $978 million dollars between now and 2030.

“Trudeau’s plan to triple the carbon tax makes everything more expensive and affects the entire supply chain from farm to plate. From the farmer who is taxed to grow the food, the trucker who transports it, the store that sells it, and the family that buys it. After eight years of Trudeau, everyone is paying more and hurting more as a result.

“Canadian farm operations can’t afford to pay these crushing taxes and remain in business.  As Canadians struggle with Trudeau’s record high inflation, skyrocketing food prices, housing affordability crisis, and cost of living crisis, the financial burdens also take their toll on family farms and our proud farming heritage.

“Conservatives have been relentless in trying to stop Trudeau’s expensive taxes from adding more hurt to Canadians and farmers. Our previous attempt with Bill C-206 made it to the Senate in 2021 but died when Prime Minister Trudeau called an election. Once again, our common sense legislation is before the Senate, and Canadian farmers cannot afford to wait any longer for Bill C-234 to pass.

“Agriculture is a valuable pillar of our nation’s heritage, and it is crucial to our economy. Sadly, after eight years of Trudeau’s carbon tax, more and more Canadian farm families are disappearing. Common sense Conservatives will continue to stand for Canadian farmers and their families, and we will prioritize axing the Trudeau-NDP carbon tax to bring down the cost of food, gas and heat for Canadians.”

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Les conservateurs de gros bon sens demandent à la ministre des Pêches d’écouter les pêcheurs de harengs

Grand Falls — Windsor, T.-N. — Clifford Small, député de Coast of Bays-Central-Notre Dame et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable des Pêches, des Océans et de la Garde côtière canadienne ; Rick Perkins, député de South Shore-St. Margarets et ministre du Cabinet fantôme conservateur responsable de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie ; John Williamson, député de New Brunswick Sud-Ouest ; et Chris d’Entremont, député de Nova-Ouest, ont fait la déclaration suivante sur la récente réduction du total autorisé des captures (TAC) de hareng dans le sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse et dans la baie de Fundy :

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Les faits : Les Canadiens se sentent désespérés après neuf ans sous Trudeau 

Les faits : Les Canadiens se sentent désespérés après neuf ans sous Trudeau 

Ottawa (Ontario) – Après neuf ans sous Justin Trudeau, la vie n’a jamais été aussi difficile pour les Canadiens. Le coût du logement a doublé après que Trudeau a créé la pire inflation de l’OCDE dans ce domaine, tandis que les Canadiens doivent payer 700 dollars de plus pour la nourriture cette année qu’en 2023. Des millions de personnes doivent faire appel aux banques alimentaires pour survivre, dont une personne sur dix à Toronto.

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