Statement from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre on Francophonie Month

Ottawa, ON – The Hon. Pierre Poilievre, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and the Official Opposition, released the following statement on Francophonie Month: 

“Every day, in countries all around the world, hundreds of millions of people speak, dream and live in French. Throughout the month of March, they come together to pay special tribute to this incredible heritage, spotlighting the shared bonds of language that unite the nations of the Francophonie across oceans and continents.  

“Here in Canada, we celebrate Francophonie Month with distinguished pride as we honour our nation’s history and founding language. Together, we celebrate the roots of culture and heritage that have been deepened over generations by those who have worked diligently to protect the French language and further its reach in communities across our country through literature, art, cinema and music.  

“From the French heartland of La Belle Province to the thriving Franco-Ontarian community and the Acadians across the Maritime provinces, each of Canada’s francophone communities has brought incredible vitality to our country, shining as beacons of francophone culture in North America and beyond.  

 “As we join the 7 million francophones that call Canada home to celebrate this remarkable legacy this month, Canada’s Common-Sense Conservatives renew our commitment to protect the language rights of Francophones in minority communities and to always preserve this core aspect of Canadian heritage, united for our common home. Happy Francophonie Month!”

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling. Unemployment is rising while Trudeau’s inflationary carbon tax is forcing families to pay $700 more for groceries this year than in 2023. Millions of Canadians are having to line up outside of food banks just to survive. But life for well-connected Liberal insiders and scamsters has never been so good.

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Premiers Tell Trudeau His Catch And Release Policies Are Risking Canadians’ Safety

Premiers Tell Trudeau His Catch And Release Policies Are Risking Canadians’ Safety

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians have never been less safe. Trudeau’s dangerous catch and release policies have resulted in violent crime skyrocketing by 39 percent while 256 people were murdered in 2022 by an offender who was out on release.

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