Common Sense Conservatives to Force First of Multiple Votes Next Wednesday to Spike the Hike

Ottawa, ON – On April 1st, Justin Trudeau will play a cruel joke on Canadians. Trudeau is planning on hiking his carbon tax by 23% as part of his plan to quadruple it over the next 6 years. Canadians can’t afford this. That’s why Conservatives are doing everything possible and have launched a massive campaign to spike the hike.

Trudeau’s hike is coming at the worst possible time for struggling Canadians. There were 2 million visits to food banks during a single month last year. And an additional 1 million people will need to use food banks in 2024. Canadians will have to pay at least $700 more for food this year than last.

Justin Trudeau is now facing a provincial revolt over his tax hike. Seven premiers, including the Liberal Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, have joined Conservatives in demanding Trudeau spike the hike.

On Wednesday, Common Sense Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre announced that he would be forcing multiple votes in Parliament next week to spike the hike. Yesterday, he wrote to NDP and Liberal MPs, calling on them to vote with Conservatives to spike this tax hike until Common Sense Conservatives can axe it entirely in a Carbon Tax election.

The first vote will take place next Wednesday. The vote will demand Trudeau listen to the 70% of Canadians and 70% of provincial Premiers who want to stop the April 1st hike. If Trudeau won’t listen, Conservatives will call more votes and take drastic action to stop the hike. Only Conservatives will axe the tax for everyone, on everything, but on Wednesday, Liberals and NDP will have their first opportunity to listen to their constituents and vote to spike the April 1st hike.

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Liberals-NDP Coalition Block Investigation Into RCMP Charging Trudeau Consultants

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians are struggling. Unemployment is rising while Trudeau’s inflationary carbon tax is forcing families to pay $700 more for groceries this year than in 2023. Millions of Canadians are having to line up outside of food banks just to survive. But life for well-connected Liberal insiders and scamsters has never been so good.

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Premiers Tell Trudeau His Catch And Release Policies Are Risking Canadians’ Safety

Premiers Tell Trudeau His Catch And Release Policies Are Risking Canadians’ Safety

Ottawa, ON – After nine years of Justin Trudeau, Canadians have never been less safe. Trudeau’s dangerous catch and release policies have resulted in violent crime skyrocketing by 39 percent while 256 people were murdered in 2022 by an offender who was out on release.

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